Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mobile Phones and the Teacher Librarian

A friend of mine is studying for his Masters in IT and has just written an outstanding paper on the use of Mobile Phones by Teachers. It was great to see that there was a conference held recently to discuss how Teacher Librarians can use them.

"More people than ever are using mobile devices for a wide variety of purposes including communication, internet access, text messaging, and entertainment. It is important that libraries provide services on these devices as use increases.
The first ever Handheld Librarian Online on July 30, 2009 is the place to learn about these and other topics related to using wireless and handheld devices in your library."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wow, Castle Towers

I took my children yesterday to Castle Towers to see Ice Age 3.
Wow, is all I can say!
The children were fascinated when we exited the lift from the carpark to find an Interactive Map and began quickly typing in names of stores that they wished to go to before I had even worked out what this thing was. They were fascinated at watching the map move between levels then when we sat down for lunch there was a Multimedia Television playing. I noticed that my kids took every new technology presented in the Shopping Complex as just another part of life that was well worth exploring.
And yes, Of course they had to watch the movie in 3D to gain the "full effect" as my 7 year old son said.
So I have decided that this is the goal I wish to achieve when I become a TL. When the students come into my library I want them to be excited and willing to try and use all of the resources available to them with this same passion. I want my Library to be warm, welcoming, exciting and interactive with all the resources possible to meet the user needs.

Friday, July 3, 2009

ETL 401 - series of reflections

Extending my knowledge.

Taking the feedback for ETL 401 from my marker Barbara Braxton I am going to break down each part of my 2nd Assignment over a series of Blogs and put in my own words my learning.

Understand the principles of lifelong learning.
Firstly a Teacher Librarian is aware that learning does not just take place in school but is a lifelong process and a skill that our students will need as they enter and try to remain in the workforce for their entire working life. Research shows that more and more people will need to study well after leaving school and more people in their forties and fifties will need to update and learn new skills to become the driving source in any economy.
Why is lifelong learning a key long-term national issue?
Most Australians have grown up in a world where young workers provided a constant stream of new labour and new skill into the workplace. This process has been going on ever since the “Baby Boom” generation began to join the workforce in the late 1960s. The result is that education in Australia has concentrated on the first 25 years of life. But this process is now coming to an end. Both the labour supply and labour demand are changing.
Labour supply changes
In the late 1980s, people aged 45 or over made up just 24 per cent of the labour market. By 2016, projections say, that figure will rise to 44 per cent. In other words, young people alone will not provide the new skills that drive organisations to innovate and grow.
14th June, 2005 Ceda Committee for economic development of Australia

But lifelong learning also encompasses those skills that factor into our enjoyment of life such as being able to enjoy a good book over the holidays or even book a holiday that will meet our needs or the ability to record and reflect our thoughts eg. a blog, a diary, a shopping list, a list of requirements for an Assignment and/or keep in touch with the world through Twitter or online news, etc. The skills that students will use to work cooperatively with other students on projects but also their skills in networking with each other, teachers and future employers, which in this day an age is predominately using all forms of technology.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A reflection on ETL503

I was over - joyed to receive back my 2nd Assignment from ETL 503. I have learned many things.

Firstly, I have got a buzz out of finding and experimenting with new digital resources. I can see how these form such a valuable part of any collection. I experimented with the live chat today from the CSU Library, it was great. A guy called Ian was very helpful and what usually would have taken a long phone call just took minutes. I also set up another wiki for my pathfinder for one of my subjects for the up and coming Semester.
Tonight I have just finished looking up different uses for Twitter from an Academic point of view. One article I found listed 17 different ways to use Twitter.

Secondly,I now understand why selection and deselection are so crucial to the Librarian's role. I still have to learn how to word what the collection excludes.

I can't wait to present my Collection Management Policy to the school where my children attend and know that it will be a useful Professional tool. It's exciting and I hope that they can use it.

I believe reading and interacting in the Forums is now crucial in this course. It was from reading other people's posts that I gained a clearer understanding of what was required in this Assignment. I also loved the podcasts, being an aural learner.